"On Feb. 19, 1942, President Roosevelt authorized the mass incarceration of over 120,000 Japanese Americans. #CA08's Manzanar Relocation Center is part of that heartbreaking history. Today, on the 80th anniversary, let us all commit to ensuring such injustice never again occurs."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Jay Obernolte:
"According to the new Department of Labor report, prices continued to rise at record rates in January, hurting American families at the grocery store and the gas pump. Congress must act now to reverse this trend by ending reckless government spending and... bls.gov/news.release/p" on Feb. 18Read on Twitter
"Tyler Wallasch has been skiing at Mammoth Mountain since he was two. Now, his Olympic journey begins with the Ski Cross in Beijing. Congratulations @TJWallasch! #CA08 is rooting for you. #RaisedHere olympics.com/beijing-2022/o" on Feb. 18Read on Twitter
"I am very pleased that my bill to create a Japanese American WWII History Network passed Natural Resources Cmte. This @natlparkservice network will help ensure stories of +120,000 American citizens are heard & remembered as part of our nation's history. obernolte.house.gov/media/press-re" on Feb. 17Read on Twitter